#Twittergate: Sex-advies schiet in verkeerde keelgat

The specific tweet in question is an age-old saw most notably quoted by Jerry Hall, Mick Jagger’s ex-wife, in the early 1990s: ‘My mother said in order to keep a man, you must be a maid in the living room, a cook in the kitchen, and a whore in the bedroom. I updated her quote with the fact that men should ‘be faithful, a gentleman in the living room and a stud in the bedroom,’ but looking back, I didn’t update the original terminology enough to reflect 21st century sensibilities.

— Senaatskandidaat Phil Mitsch biedt zijn excuses aan na tweet waarin hij vrouwen adviseert zich als dame in de huiskamer en hoer in de slaapkamer te gedragen om zo hun man trouw te laten blijven.

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